AUTUMN AT MILE: Capacity Building activities are starting soon!

  • MILE 

In every MILE’s cities, partners are working at Capacity Building activities Employers and for Third Sector Organisations.

The first group follows training and practical activities regarding Diversity Managements and Diversity Advantage. But also, on legal procedures in hiring TCNs and how to build a plan for their corporate responsibility.

The latter, will discuss the very phenomenon of migration and labour market. They will analyze historical and present dynamics, strategies in place and researches performed in the field.

Experts in the field of Diversity and Migration will lead activities, contributing greatly in giving participants useful knowledge and efficient solutions.

As a matter of fact, the aim of these events is also to start sharing best practices and generate an integrated model for action.

In fact, MILE ensures the participation of all actors and stakeholders that can benefit from and can promote migrants labour integration.

We want to involve all stakeholders present at a local, national and European level, growing an effective and collaborative network.

Working together for Labour Integration…..a MILE ahead!

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